Strategic Representation
Our Strategic Coordinator and member organizations represent the consortium / VCS in a wide range of relevant groups, boards and meetings at both a strategic and operational level in order to contribute to local strategy, policy, commissioning and service development and amplify the voice and experiences of our members and their service users, including:
Rotherham Together Partnership
- RTP CEO Group
Safer Rotherham Partnership
- Silver Organised and Violent Crime Group
- SRP Multi-agency Priority Groups
- Building Confident and Cohesive Communities
Rotherham Community Hub
- Rotherham Covid-19 Tactical Hub
Rotherham Cultural Partnership
- Children’s Capital of Culture Programme Board
- Imagine Rotherham (Cultural Education Partnership)
- Rotherham Active Partnership
Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Performance & Quality Assurance Delivery Group
- Learning & Improvement Delivery Group
- Child Exploitation Delivery Group
- Practice Standards Delivery Group
- Neglect Action Group
- Evolve Steering Group
SEND Strategic Board
- Preparation for Adulthood Board
- Community Inclusion Sub Group
- SEND Local Offer Sub Group
- SENDIASS Monitoring Group
Health and Well-Being Board
Integrated Health and Social Care Board
- ICP Urgent Care and Locality Sub Group
- ICP Workforce Development Sub Group
- ICP Communications Sub Group
- ICP Delivery Team
Autism Partnership Board
Sexual Health Strategy Group
Operation Stovewood
- Bronze Partnerships & Pathways Group
- Bronze Consequence Management Group
Early Help Steering Group
- Family Hub Innovation
- 0-19 Pathways Partnership
Children and Young People’s Partnership
- Youth Justice Service Management Board
- Holiday Activities and Food Steering Group
- Vulnerable Children Panel
- Voice and Engagement Strategy
- Primary Inclusion Panel
- Secondary Inclusion Panel
SEMH Strategy Group
- Better Mental Health for All
- CAMHS Trailblazer Local Reference Group
Strategic Housing Forum
- Independent Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel
Building Stronger Communities Forum
- Local Integration Board
- Louder Communities Forum
Voice and Influence Partnership (Chair)
Safeguarding Adults Board
Adult Social Care Improvement Board
Business Growth Board
- Local Integration Board
South Yorkshire Safe in Sport Group
Rotherham Strategic Housing Forum
- Rotherham Independent Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel (Chair)
Thriving Neighbourhoods Programme Meeting
Joint Strategic Commissioning Group
VOICES Alliance Steering Group
Rotherham VCS Strategic Rep